Wednesday 22 December 2010

Festive Knitwear

Carrying on with the theme with what was once mocked....

.... but now is on trend, is festive knitwear.

Now these are guaranteed sales items, so I shall being indulging after Christmas. Not many sane people will want them after the festive season, then again....For me it is a joy to wear all year round.

Above is a jumper I got at a steal of £2, from Portobello Market. The jumper's pattern has an Aztec inspiration, which still some how conjures up connotations which scream Christmas.

Saturday 18 December 2010

"Geriatric Starlet"

Back on the blog wagon.

The latest fashion muse that has caught my eye, is no drop dead gorgeous, painfully cool twenty something, hanging in all the 'in' clubs, but an eighty-eight year old former interior designer. Iris Apfel's unorthodox otherworldly styling has led her to become a legendary style icon, inspiring everyone from designers to magazine editors. Getting her own inspiration from her many business trips around the world, she is known for her signature oversized glasses and heavy ethnic accessorizing.

"The bigger to see you," she likes to say.

Just the other day I was wondering, now that "granny chic" is "in" fashion, does it mean that every old lady rocking a chunky knit and big spectacles is fashionable? I may have to say yes. So look towards your elders for inspiration, and maybe pinch a necklace or two.